Random Tuesday Thoughts

14 Jun
Random Tuesday Thoughts

Sniffle- I really miss Random Tuesday Thoughts.  Not that I don’t still visit Keely, but darn it…….

We finished reading the entire How to Train Your Dragon book series a while back, and now we are starting all over again.  I though that familiarity would allow the words to roll off my tongue, but my brain shuts off instead.  I’ve stumbled through three chapters and it seems harder to read this time around.  Why is that?

I lied and said I couldn’t find….We took a break from reading Book 1 of the series, and read an old favorite Ferdinand the Bull.  To keep it interesting, I asked James to count the men with hats, the picadores, or to have him say “Ferdnand” every time I point to his name in the book.  James says…..

I have no plans to correct him.

Tim was tired tonight and went to bed early, so before the drawn out going to bed routine commenced, James and I played Dance Central  with Kinect.  Good thing delivering a child strips away all remaining dignity, because I was a dancing fool, emphasis on the fool.  And James, poor guy, he has no rhythm…yet.  I’m not showing anyone pictures of that, no thank you.

Speaking of fools. While visiting Veterinary Hospital at the children’s museum, the kids were handing out animals to tend to.  Sara received an eagle, and turned to ask me what I had.  Without thinking, I said, “I have a beaver.”  She burst out laughing, and it took me a full 15 seconds to figure out why that was so funny.

Going to bed is getting tougher and more drawn out in subtle ways.  James does just fine pulling his pants up and down all day at school, but when it comes time for bed he is completely confounded by the snaps on his jeans.  He demonstrates his frustration with lots of huffing and hand flapping. I call stinker-bo-binker on you little dude.

James has a new game, and I have no earthly idea where this came from.  He says…

At first I didn’t get it at all, but now it is our new code version of “hey, how you ‘doin, I myself am fab.u.lous.”   If he’s really in a fine mood, he tickles me then give me a nice fanny shake as a finale.  Note to anyone visiting, just go with it m’kay?*

A few weekends ago, James visited with some of our neighborhood friends.  They have a lovely golden retriever who is a gentle giant when it comes to kids, but death on four paws to all rodents who dare enter his territory. While James was playing out side, said dog, killed two bunnies.  The Mom was very worried about how James would take the deaths and was gearing up to working through it with him.  James put up his hand to stop her and sagely advised, “don’t worry, it is just the circle of life.” I think he got this from watching The Lion King previews.

In contrast, when I came to pick him up from his visit, he came running towards me, eyes alight with glee, and in a breathless rush told me that the “dog killed two bunnies Mom!” With lots of wild pulling and pushing gestures proceeded to exclaim, “and MOM there were guts!  Now, come see the dead slug collection.”

With that I bid you goodnight and happy Tuesday

*In the moment this all sounds cute, but when I write it down I fear that I sound like a loon.



Posted by on June 14, 2011 in Uncategorized


6 responses to “Random Tuesday Thoughts

  1. halfasgoodasyou

    June 16, 2011 at 9:08 am

    FerdiMAND! Love it (he’s a cutie). We’re having trouble with death over here since my kids don’t get the whole circle of life thing. G woke up last night and was really upset wondering if and when he was going to die and if we were going to die soon and not be his mommy and daddy anymore. Ugh.


  2. lizgizzy

    June 17, 2011 at 9:21 am

    Oh no! I’m sorry G is worrying- I’d say he is too little but we’ve been dealing with this on and off since James’s grandma then dog died. It isn’t easy.


  3. Captain Dumbass

    June 21, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    Circle of life! Ha. I was using that on the kids yesterday to explain their dead fish.


  4. Keri

    June 22, 2011 at 11:12 am

    Hi There Liz.. .. so much to teach them (before some slug does it for you via TV or school)… Looks to me like you have a beautiful family and a great mind. Congratulations on that. you have the hardest job in the world.

    I’m just now getting back to everyone who stopped in on my SITS day of June 7. On June 9 my house was struck by lightning and I am still recovering. Only got internet access back over the weekend if you can believe that. Thank you for coming over and leaving a comment. It’s great to meet you and I’ll be a regular here, no doubt. Take care, Keri


  5. LisaDay

    June 30, 2011 at 4:18 am

    Oh boys. They make me smile.



  6. Grams

    June 30, 2011 at 6:27 am

    Visiting from SITS. Your little boy is really, really cute. I love remembering special things kids say. “Ferdimand” and “honk, honk, tickle, tickle, beep, beep” will live in your family’s collective memory forever. How special that you have it on video. Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight.



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