Iron Dude

20 Feb

James watches Iron Man every Saturday now.  I really don’t mind that much because I love watching Robert Downey Jr. since he’s gotten all healthy and fit ahem….but that isn’t why I started writing today. 

In addition to building Lego “weapons” and asking me to strap them to his body with napkins from the kitchen, he has been saying some really great stuff.

While building a weapon, he said “Mom I’ve been working really hard on this for a few minutes, a day, it has been a whole year.”

After I dropped a Costco sized barrel of garlic on the floor, he quietly walked over, and asked what I was doing.  I told him that I’d had an accident, and he very gently said “aw Mom, that’s too bad, I’m sorry you had an accident, that happens sometimes.”  He watched a moment longer, then asked “Do you need a hug for your accident?”

James goes potty all by himself now.  He’ll turn on the light, get his step into position, pull his pants down, and do his business.  He still wants someone to wipe though.  Today, I asked him if he is really done, and as usual he says yes.  I walk into the bathroom, and he is sitting with his eyes closed, counting to himself.  As I lean down to grab paper, he shouts “Boo!” and starts giggling like it is the funniest thing ever.  Slightly confused, I say boo, back and he tells me in a totally disgusted tone “that’s not how it works Mom.”

More later, I have weapons strapped to my wrists and typing has become difficult.

1 Comment

Posted by on February 20, 2010 in Kid Speak, Ramblings


One response to “Iron Dude

  1. Dawn

    March 1, 2010 at 4:36 pm

    I really loved this post – it was one of my reasons for starting to write – to record the funny things our kids say. I found your blog today via Mama Kits writing workshop, and I have really enjoyed all the posts I have read. Thanks.



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