
30 Sep

James wants something.

In the car on the way home,  he spontaneously counted to 20. He also told us that when you have 3 and take away 2, you are left with 1. We had no idea that he could do that and it was a lovely surprise. There were high-fives and lots of excited clapping.

He made a valiant effort to count to thirty but it turned into a lot of guessing  – 21, 22, 1?1, 26?, 16?, 17?, 18?, ??????

He followed up the counting, by singing ABC without skipping any letters, then announced that he would practice writing his letters and numbers before watching a show.  Tim and I were impressed but starting to feel just a little suspicious.

When we arrived home, James whole-heartedly practiced identifying 1-5, and A-D with flash cards.  He even sorted letters from numbers and put numbers and letters in the correct order without any drama about how hard it was.

Then, he asked for paper and pencil.  I was busy making dinner, and turned to check on him after a few minutes.  I thought that he was just scribbling after his usual half-hearted effort.  But he had dutifully written down all of his letters on the lines that I’d drawn for him, no random embellishment and totally legible.  Suspicions grew.

I asked James what he’d like for dinner, he asked for ravioli (no biggy it is one of his favs) but here is the kicker – he asked for green beans and, this is the honest truth, broccoli, and he ate every bite on his plate, without any reminders. 

Our suspicions are now full-blown certainty.  James wants something and he is working every angle. I’m sure it is huge.


Posted by on September 30, 2010 in Doin'


4 responses to “Crafty

  1. Pammie

    October 1, 2010 at 7:53 am

    It sounds like he is trying very hard to impress you guys – that’s for sure. I’d look around for what’s been broken and hid. 😉


  2. Captain Dumbass

    October 1, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    His body may have been taken over by an alien life form who is trying unsuccessfully to blend in. Keep an eye on him.


  3. mrsmouthy

    October 1, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    This post had me on the edge of my seat…and I’m still sitting there…waiting…

    Do you think maybe what James wants is to come to Vincenzo’s birthday party? Because we have room!!!! I’ll try to hunt down your e-mail address in case you don’t read this comment in time. You’re welcome but not obligated to come; e-mail me for my address if you want in.


    • lizgizzy

      October 3, 2010 at 10:32 am

      Thanks for inviting us- unfortunately I saw your comment too late. I sent your hot mail account a note- take a look, let me know what you think.



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